• Best Hair Transplant & PRP Clinic in Kerala

Hair Tree


Dr. Roshan Kumar

Chief Hair Transplant Surgeon

Total experience 18 years

MBBS,MD(DVL), Total experience 18 years ,Medical Council Reg No. 67893

Member Of Hair Restoration

Surgeon Association Of India (AHRS)

Indian Association of Dermatologists,

Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL)


Cosmetology Society of India (CDSI)

Bangalore Dermatological Society

Association of Facial Aesthetics & Aesthetic Sugeon Of India (AFAASI)

Publications: Pemphigoid gestationis ; A case report and review of literature.

Efficacy of Infliximab vs Etanercept series of 15 cases in psoriasis.

Efficacy of intralesional BCG vs MMR in recalcitrant palmo plantar warts.

Experience in Tele Dermatology consultations

Trained under Dr. Zein Obagi (USA), Dr.paolo Sbano (ITALY), Dr.Pablo Naranjo (Spain)

Done Fellowship under Dr.Kapil Dua, India

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